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Adopting EKS: Optimization Fundamentals and Beyond with nOps

Expert Guidance on Optimizing Your Configuration

Adopting EKS

Join our workshop to learn from certified Kubernetes and AWS experts. Discover optimization techniques, best practices, and potential cost savings for your setup.
Looking to optimize your configuration and save money? Our certified Kubernetes and AWS experts are here to help!


Introduction to EKS

The Optimization Challenge:

Real-World Scenarios:

Scaling and Costs:

Interactive Session: Your Real-World Decisions: Share your experiences:

Meet our Speakers

Greg O’Hare

Director of Technical Solutions

Thiago Carvalho

Thiago Carvalho

Certified Kubernetes and AWS Experts

Reach out now and let us review your setup to
discover how much you can save.

Don't miss out on this powerful opportunity!